[ubuntu-art] Ugly Usplash: GONE!

Michiel Sikma omega at avalanchestudios.net
Tue May 16 09:32:00 BST 2006

Op 16-mei-2006, om 5:10 heeft ubuntu-art-request at lists.ubuntu.com het  
volgende geschreven:

> p.s. I got an Email from Scott, my Usplash Tangerine (yes, I just gave
> it an offical name) might be a possible contender for the new Dapper
> artwork...and apparently he "wasn't paying attention" to the posts  
> when
> I attached versions with fixed aspect ratios. I might also rework them
> with a new reflection for the eye candy lovers if I have a spare  
> minute
> (right now)

Wait. Huh? I feel as though last-minute decisions are being made that  
can't possibly be reached a consensus on before UI freeze. Aren't we  
past UI freeze already? Why should we still have a vote on which  
artwork we use for usplash-Dapper? Is there time for that?

Besides, isn't it policy to brand Ubuntu logos with brown (and blue  
for Kubuntu, yellow for Edubuntu)? Refer to http://www.ubuntu.com/ 
ubuntu/TrademarkPolicy/ on the wiki.


P.S.: Maybe it's just me, but I feel that the art team might benefit  
from some sort of calendar. Does anybody else use Google Calendar? We  
could maintain a calendar which everybdoy could then import into  
their account so that we can all look up when that UI freeze is  
coming along and when we're required to vote for the default Dapper  

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