[ubuntu-art] Uspash

Frank Schoep frank at ffnn.nl
Fri May 12 22:16:06 BST 2006

On Friday 12 May 2006 23:00, Viper550 wrote:
> You want polish? Well, I redid the Kubuntu and Edubuntu artwork in the
> exact same style for you, so how do you like these numbers? Sorry for
> ALL the attachments.

It looks like Edubuntu's reflection is cut off or largely missing on the left, 
is this correct? The Kubuntu logo isn't as shiny as the others it seems, and 
the different colors in the wheel-logo might be the cause of that, could you 
try a "one-color" version of Kubuntu? It also looks the gradient is a bit 
sharp now, with only two colors in it, split equally.

I'm probably nitpicking here, but I'm just trying to help you improve the 

> Frank, we currently can't do a splash to SuSE's extent, because they use
> a different splash screen system, and they don't care about
> compatability and other stuff as much as we do (which I do not like, man
> I love Fedora's splash, they actually use X for it!)

I'm aware of the limitations of usplash, but I tried my best to come up 
something good that is possible without changing the bootsplash system. I'm 
not asking to decrease compatibility or aiming for full 16-bit high res 
images, just pushing the technology we have.

With kind regards,

Frank Schoep

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