[ubuntu-art] Deadline for community art: May 15

Who mailforwho at googlemail.com
Mon May 8 13:57:48 BST 2006

On 5/8/06, Étienne Bersac <bersace03 at laposte.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> Considering the great job done for Tangerine, and the fact that it is
> installed by default, we must offer a theme Human theme with
> Tangerine. Current human with Tangerine is very nice. That might not
> be considered as a full other theme.

I totally agree - I personally think we would be much better to ship
Tangerine instead of Human as the default - It looks so much slicker -
imo the Human icons are 'bubbly' in a way reminiscent of really old
Windows ones.

> Sorry, but dapper icon set isn't dapper. It's a mess.

> Étienne, ubuntu disappointed but still ubuntu lover

Is there any plan to increase the discoverability of themeing? Say, a
'choose your theme' section as part of the installer'? That would
really solve this kind of problem!


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