[ubuntu-art] Re: ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 11, Issue 14

Michiel Sikma omega at avalanchestudios.net
Mon May 8 13:53:03 BST 2006

ubuntu-art-request at lists.ubuntu.com heeft op maandag, 8 mei 2006 om 
14:44 (Europe/Amsterdam) het volgende geschreven:

> See : http://bersace03.free.fr/pub/captures/dapper-artwork/compare-
> human-tangerine.png . 16x16 tangerine icons are very clean and
> readable while Human are juste unreadable (see home, desktop, disk,
> ssh and ftp).
> Even big icons are cleaner : see the network icon ("Réseau Windows").

I have not been keeping up with the entire icon debate, but I'd just 
like to briefly mention how awesome that screenshot to the right looks. 
Why aren't there any FTP/SSH labels on them, though? Simply because 
it's incomplete?

Regards, Michiel

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