[ubuntu-art] Firefox Human theme 0.1 released

Frank Schoep frank at ffnn.nl
Sat May 6 08:41:57 BST 2006

On Saturday 06 May 2006 07:44, you wrote:
> I really like the work you have done Frank but I would like to see both
> Human and Tangerine versions! The folder for Human is quite different to
> Tangerine. Since Human will be the default theme on Dapper it would be
> better to have this consistent.

You're right Mark, I think I was getting all excited on using Tangerine, but 
of course Human is a different icon set and I overlooked it. No problem, I'll 
just go ahead and make two versions later on and focus on Human first.

This leads me to a question: what is the icon fallback path for the Human 
theme? Is it something like: Human -> Tangerine -> Tango or is it simply 
Human -> Tango?

> Here you can visually see both Human (first column) and Tangerine
> (second column).
>   http://daniel.holba.ch/ubuntu/ic/

Thanks a ton! I've been looking for this page for about a week now and I tried 
every way possible, from searching the web, forums, Wiki, mailing lists to 
IRC channels. Noone I met could provide me with that link, but I've got it 
now, as you'll understand I've got it bookmarked now :-)

> Note there is a Human update coming on Monday from Daniel!

I'll be looking forward to it, as I noted earlier the theme building is fully 
automated so the new icons will be compiled in rather easily.

> Also, the theme has an image which is used as the "advert" in the theme
> selector, yours could be jazzed up a little.

Indeed, I didn't really have any creative juices left yesterday evening so I 
just slapped on something simple and packaged it up. If anyone wants to make 
a nice branded "advert" or "preview" for the theme, let me know, otherwise 
I'll create something nice myself.

The icon for the theme is the distributor / ubuntu logo, I take it you didn't 
have a problem with that one?

> Otherwise, fantastic! I think if this comes together for Human and
> Tangerine we could make the Human one the default.

No problem, expect both themes to be in near-completed stage at the end of the 

With kind regards,

Frank Schoep

(Apologies for the dupe, this one's resent to the mailing list)

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