[ubuntu-art] additional theme/s proposal
Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen
mikkel.kamstrup at gmail.com
Fri May 5 09:17:06 BST 2006
2006/5/5, bvc <bvcmdk at yahoo.com>:
> *Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <mikkel.kamstrup at gmail.com>* wrote:
> Sorry for not responding to this sooner, but better late than never :-)
> > Hi,
> > I've worked through a few ideas and wanted to see what everyone thinks.
> > The two metacity's are just a result of tinkering with a tiled image and
> I'm not
> > too thrilled about any of the 10 or so I've done but I kinda like the
> Dapper-Drake
> > metacity.
> >
> > My favorite gtk is Dapper-Drake (just names, nothing in stone)
> > http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/~bvc/dapper-xubu/Dapper-Drake.png<http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/%7Ebvc/dapper-xubu/Dapper-Duck.tar.gz>
> > http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/~bvc/dapper-xubu/Dapper-Drake.tar.gz<http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/%7Ebvc/dapper-xubu/Dapper-Drake.tar.gz>
> The progressbar color goes really well with them theme. It is a good
> effect to contrast the dominant colors with effects like this. Perhaps this
> can be done even more..?
> About the metacity theme... It is a cool effect in the window title bar,
> but I don't think it goes too well with the gtk-theme. It's a bit to
> marble-like/shiny. The Dapper-Drake (gtk) theme feels more dry, if you get
> my drift...
> > The original metacity
> > http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/~bvc/dapper-xubu/Dapper-Drake2.tar.gz<http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/%7Ebvc/dapper-xubu/Dapper-Drake2.tar.gz>
> > another
> > http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/~bvc/dapper-xubu/Dapper-Drake3.tar.gz<http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/%7Ebvc/dapper-xubu/Dapper-Drake3.tar.gz>
> >
> > I am also going to do a more beige/yellow/orange, light/bright a lot
> like the Human
> > gdm ...think '*Dapper-Duck*ling' but I haven't got around to it yet.
> >
> > These all go well with the Human/Tango mix and Yasis as well. I've been
> using
> > Dapper-Drake (gtk) for about a week and don't want to use anything else.
> Colors are
> > very soothing. Any thoughts?
> Generally (as usual) your work is high quality. However to my personal
> liking you overdo the whole nature deal a bit. Granted - the themes all have
> a real "draky" feeling to them, but too close to nature for me :-)
> I condone your choice of Dapper-Drake. It is the best of the three IMO
> also.
> Idea,
> As I've found the metacity effects you've played with (in Dapper-Drake) a
> bit too shiny for the of the gtk-themes, and I generally have found the
> gtk-themes a bit too earthy, I suggest doing a slightly more futuristic
> version of Dapper-Drake (because I found that one best) which might better
> go with a window bar like the one you designed.
> Thanks for the comments!
> The progreebar color is already in the range slider trough and focus ring.
> Only other place would be checks and options but then that would leave a
> lonesome, green metacity.
Well, working a bit with the theme, I find that there's no problem here
anyway really.
Yes, as I said ,I'm not thrilled with the boring metacity either, but we
> don't need another flashy, shinny metacity, and what else can you do with
> ubuntulook widgets? So I decideded to try and bring out, and define, the
> menubar with a gradient at the bottom of the titlebar. I think it does give
> a clear definition of where the titlebar begins.
> Futuristic with earthy? erm... Nice that you see the earth-ness/dapper
> drake-ness. That was the idea, and what so many people requested. Natural.
Yes, I'm sure that we have a market for earthy/natural theme - I have heard
several request about that at least.
Now that I look closer on the Drake theme a second time, I actually think
that the win title bar in this screenie:
http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/%7Ebvc/dapper-xubu/Dapper-Drake.png - which I
called too shiny before, is actually the right thing. With the tiled pixmap
thing giving it the marble-like feel I mean.
Btw; do you have any specific icon set in mind for the Dapper-Drake theme?
Of the installed sets I have here I actually found stock Gnome the best...
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