[ubuntu-art] What about Firefox?

Mark Shuttleworth mark at canonical.com
Wed May 3 14:20:35 BST 2006

Frank Schoep wrote:
> That is correct, luckily this setting is not part of the theme and I believe 
> the default is still going to be "icons only" so it won't pose a problem. The 
> screenshot is more about showing what Firefox looks like with Human / 
> Tangerine icons instead of the default theme.
> As a follow up on the main window, I created a Tangerine version of the 
> preferences dialog:
> http://www.ffnn.nl/media/external/ubuntu/firefox-preferences-human-icons.png
> There are some small errors in the theme there, but it's main purpose is to 
> illustrate the work I'd be doing if there is some positive response from 
> "high up". I hope you all like it so far.
I'm cc'ing Ian Jackson because of his comments on bug 8887. Ian, this is
the discussion I think you were wanting to have, and ubuntu-art is the
right place for it to happen. Frank, could you lead this process and
discuss with Ian once you have a good solution how to get it to him for
inclusion in the package? Ian, if there are deadlines for art changes
here then please let Frank know.


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