[ubuntu-art] Re: Re-Bringup: FreeSans as default font?

Mark Shuttleworth mark at canonical.com
Mon May 1 15:48:22 BST 2006

Michiel Sikma wrote:
> To give my opinion: I believe that Bitstream Vera Sans is a very nice
> font, apart from some small kerning problems. Freesans is a more
> difficult to read font. As designer, my rationale is the structure of
> the font itself: Freesans has a smaller so-called "punch width" (which
> indicates how broad the letter is; larger broadness increases screen
> font legibility) and also a smaller "x-height" (the height of the
> lowercase x symbol in a font; the higher, the more legible a font is
> on a screen). Good screen fonts are Verdana, Bitstream Vera Sans,
> Lucida Grande, Myriad, Frutiger. I'd prefer seeing Bitstream in future
> Ubuntu releases, since it's proven itself to be a pretty good font.
It seems we already ship Bitstream Vera Sans. At least, I have it in my
reasonably fresh Dapper install. Do we need to do more than ship it?
Michael, is there a wiki document anywhere which outlines the font
strategy for dapper in terms of what is installed by default, and what
is used in Gnome, KDE, Firefox, etc? Together with the configs per language?

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