[ubuntu-art] Re: Re-Bringup: FreeSans as default font?

Michiel Sikma omega at avalanchestudios.net
Mon May 1 14:56:55 BST 2006

To give my opinion: I believe that Bitstream Vera Sans is a very nice 
font, apart from some small kerning problems. Freesans is a more 
difficult to read font. As designer, my rationale is the structure of 
the font itself: Freesans has a smaller so-called "punch width" (which 
indicates how broad the letter is; larger broadness increases screen 
font legibility) and also a smaller "x-height" (the height of the 
lowercase x symbol in a font; the higher, the more legible a font is on 
a screen). Good screen fonts are Verdana, Bitstream Vera Sans, Lucida 
Grande, Myriad, Frutiger. I'd prefer seeing Bitstream in future Ubuntu 
releases, since it's proven itself to be a pretty good font.

Regards, Michiel

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