[ubuntu-art] Re: The example package gimp file

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at ubuntu.com
Sun Mar 19 18:08:31 GMT 2006

Pascal Klein wrote:
> Is there a page where I can find a list of what still needs to be done
> for the example package?

I've updated this page to reflect the current status:

Also if you look at the latest installed example pack you'll see various 
documents that just need some more love. Specifically:

  * Writer documents - These can always be a bit better in terms of 
layout and content.

  * Impress - These are much better now after some new theme love from 
Sakari, but I'm sure it can be tweaked further

  * Spreadsheets - these simply need some inspiration and more work. 
Something that can make nice plots (trig plots are boring).

  * Draw - We really should have something ubuntu related here.

  * Video - I nearly have the technology for this sorted out, see: 
http://people.ubuntu.com/~henrik/examplecontent/video/ Though I'm still 
searching for a basic frame grabber for Linux that can dump the screen 
activity to a raw video file (from there fmpeg2theora does a good job). 
The videos could also do with some better scripting and need to be 
updated when the desktop look has stabalised.

  * Screenshots - Many of the items above need up to date screenshots.

For the last two points on that list I'd love to see individuals or 
teams take on responsibility for maintaining these as regular projects.

Videos: It would be nice to get this working better generally because 
these Ubuntu videos could go on TheOpenCD and on the website. Videos are 
also cool for previewing new things like xgl and generally create hype.

Screenshots: I've put up a page to start with here. 
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTeam/ScreenShots There are many places 
where a reliable supply of fresh screenshots would be very useful, 
incuding documentation, the website and presentations.

- Henrik

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