[ubuntu-art] A call for icons: gnome-accessibility-theme

Jakub Steiner jimmac at novell.com
Fri Mar 17 17:09:47 GMT 2006

Hi Henrik & Ubuntu artists!
I'm the author of the original high contrast icon set. While it has been
created in vectors to allow screen density independece, I have used a
proprietary Adobe Illustrator back then. 

The gnome-themes module, where the icons reside, only includes bitmaps.
There are also some, in my view, not so well executed icons contributed
by Sun folks there. If anybody wants to step in and create a nice high
contrast set based on the original artwork, possibly following the new
naming scheme, I have tared up the icons here -
http://jimmac.musichall.cz/stuff/high-contrast.tar.bz2. The icons are
LGPL. I will be happy to contribute extending such a set, but do not
have time to set up the infrastructre and everything.

I have written a small how-to for the high contrast icons ages ago, so
it would be a nice starting point for some style guidelines too -


Jakub Steiner <jimmac at novell.com>

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