[ubuntu-art] Gimp splash for dapper[Modified]

Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at ubuntu.com
Thu Mar 16 03:27:20 GMT 2006

My eyes seem to fail me, but does it look like the brush looks smaller
now and looks a bit out of focus because of the font change?


Jerome Gotangco
jgotangco at ubuntu.com | jgotangco at gmail.com
Mobile: +639196555242
GPG: 0xA97B69A0

On 3/16/06, j Mak <joz_mak at yahoo.ca> wrote:

> A new version with the original gimp logo.
> http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/8704/ubuntugimpsplash8uo.png
>  J. Mak

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