[ubuntu-art] Breaking the standards... splash images.

Brant Watson oldspiceap at gmail.com
Wed Mar 15 12:46:50 GMT 2006

I know perhaps there were technical limitations, but how come all splash
images historically have been rectangular?  The Gimp, OpenOffice, KDE, Gnome
(though the temp one in dapper has rounded edges), Azureus, etc...  It
always annoyed me, but it seems that its a standard no one tries to break
out of.  I submitted a splash image for loading gnome:


And got some interesting feedback and suggestions on using vector graphics,
toning down colors, etc...  What I wonder is perhaps modifications to this
design (or any other for that matter) could be used as replacements for all
programs spash screens that are in the ubuntu repo's - making all splash
images a variation on one design - which would help the whole OS feel more
contigious.   And in addition we could break out of that common rectangular
splash issue.

So is it worth it for me to spend some time redesigning a whole bunch of
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