[ubuntu-art] Graphite vs Heat theme

Étienne Bersac bersace03 at free.fr
Tue Mar 14 16:50:03 GMT 2006


> Yes, the Tango aluminium and the graphite/steel colours really work  
> well together. Pascal, it may be worth identifying this as one  
> clear thrust of the community, and trying to organise a common push  
> towards sharing the work to make one steel/graphite theme that is  
> really very polished for inclusion in Dapper.

This should be very exciting to ship two main theme. Why not ship a  
full system theme, i mean including grub, usplash and gdm ? We need  
specs to define what is a desktop theme, what is a system theme. We  
also need an application to simply switch between them. This should  
be a great features. Is this possible if dapper have 6 week more to  
be polished ? Maybe the global switch will be for dapper+1.


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