[ubuntu-art] What are the Dapper Artwork guidelines ?

j Mak joz_mak at yahoo.ca
Tue Mar 14 16:33:27 GMT 2006

�tienne Bersac <bersace03 at free.fr> wrote: Hello,

This is mainly a question to Mark. This is quite a braindump.

As i read DapperUbuntuLook pages and some discussions in this mailing  
list, i see an obvious lake in the Dapper theme work : some clear  

I see orange, I heard "Ubuntu beige", "Chocolate brown", etc. But  
what do we want ? What is the artwork goal of Dapper (more than be  
polish) ? How to achieve the "Dapper" in dapper drake ?

We have great piece of artwork, but nothing fit well with each  
others. What about a "DapperArtworkGuidelines" or something like  
that ? What specs do artist have to read in order to fit the  
DapperUbuntuArtwork spirit ?

Which colours ? Which blendings, fade, range, reflections, etc. fit  
the ArtworkSpirit ? What guideline for usplash/gdm/gnome-splash  
consistency ? Obviously, it seems DapperArtwork which look a bit like  
glass/crystal/aqua, but this is not written anywhere.

I wish you understand my desire to see a very consistent and  
professional artwork for dapper. At this time, it seems Apple and  
Novell are the leader in artwork consistency. Is ubuntu community  
able to build a superior artwork, which make Ubuntu unique and  
beautiful during 3 years ?

Best regards.

                                        I agree with you 100%. Without clear and concise guidelines, artist can only guess or improvise. And this is not good, first because lots of time is wasted and second because we might end up with a collection of inconsistent set of artworks. 
    The most important thing would be to set clear color guidelines stating the values in RGB or hexadecimal numbers rather than just saying brown or orange and so on.
    J. Mak

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