[ubuntu-art] Artwork weekened results

Pascal Klein 4pascal at tpg.com.au
Tue Mar 7 13:41:23 GMT 2006

Hey all,

The artwork weekend went well, in my opinion, although not all that
much was achieved as a newcomer or outsider might suspect, but we
started getting our act back together, got some discussion going,
decided on a few things and actually ended up getting some artwork done
too. I didn't have a chance to talk to everyone and see what people got
done, so I'd like to ask everyone to list what they achieved and
possibly put it up for show.

I'm going to stick up my stuff too and talk about the themed package
that I'll be working on (the Tango one). As for things such as the new
art team leader, still something that could do with being decided upon.
Anyone up for calling a meeting sometime next week or the week
thereafter to discuss it?

Kind regards,

Pascal Klein

Ubuntu Art team	http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTeam
Linux Australia		http://www.linux.org.au

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