[ubuntu-art] New icons

Pascal Klein 4pascal at tpg.com.au
Thu Mar 2 08:25:33 GMT 2006

On Wed, 1 Mar 2006 16:50:24 -0500 (EST)
j Mak <joz_mak at yahoo.ca> wrote:

I agree 100%. You need guidelines to be able to work efficiently. We
don't even know what will be the color scheme of ubuntu. This would be
important to learn because color is a unifying motif in the overall
visual impact, and the login screen, splash, wallpapers and so on
should reflect this. Also the size. Will the splash, for instance, be
the same size as in Breezy? I hope someone will set up a list of
parameters quickly so that we can start creating actual artworks
because not that much time has left until April. 

J. Mak


GNOME 2.14 won't seem to feature a splash anymore, according to Tom
Wood. Will Dapper still feature one?



Pascal Klein

Ubuntu Art team	http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtTeam
Linux Australia		http://www.linux.org.au

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