[ubuntu-art] Quick Update

Lapo Calamandrei calamandrei at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 01:12:16 BST 2006

2006/6/26, Mark Shuttleworth <mark at canonical.com>: [CUT]

> I think there is plenty of room for Ubuntu to establish a style of its
> own. I think Tango has been over-rated because it attempts to bind Gnome and
> KDE together in a way that they do not want to be bound together. I may well
> be wrong, which is why I don't discourage you from investing your time and
> energy in Tangerine, but I am confident in my opinion, which is why I'm
> investing my own time and energy this way.

I think you have a wrong understanding about what tango is, it doesn't try
to bind together GNOME and KDE, it attempts to make a set of guidelines and
tools to create a consistent user experience for OSS.

> It will most definitely become very popular, and I don't think it is a
> good idea for Ubuntu to say no to that style because "we want it to be a
> little different".
> Distinctiveness is ESSENTIAL. I'm afraid I won't budge on that point.
> Tango will NEVER be the default theme for Ubuntu because it is entirely
> un-distinctive.

I think distintiveness to the detriment of usability is bad and this is what
I feel is branding by means of icons. I tried to demostrate already with
what became tangerine that is possible to keep branding even being
consistent with other applications. If you don't like tango icon theme use
the next gnome icon theme (which will probably be tango style) as a base a
change very visible icons (folders, trashbin, hardware stuff, navigation
arrows) with your own tango style icons, this way you will have your unique
look and feel and you will keep consistence with application using tango
style icons.

Sorry if I sounds offensive, that was not my intention, but I feel like
being personally attacked when somebody talk down tango this way.


P.S. : I'm not a novell emploee or supporter
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