[ubuntu-art] Wrong metacity

Who mailforwho at googlemail.com
Sun Jun 25 19:40:38 BST 2006

On 6/19/06, Andrea <cimi86 at alice.it> wrote:
> Hi I'm Andrea Cimitan (aka Cimi). Yesterday I've installed ubuntu on my
> father's PC and I've seen that a theme of mine (Gray) was added (i don't
> know when) to the ufficial ubuntu-artwork package. I was happy for this. :)
> The only thing that surprise me is that it was added togheter with the
> metacity theme Candiso-selected, that was renamed to Gray.
> I just want to know the reasons of this choice because (personally) I
> dislike Gray and Candido-Selected combination (gtk2+metacity).
> There's an opportunity to remove Candido-selected and ad default
> metacity theme? Or add Candido gtk2 theme togheter with candido-selected?
> I repeat, only if it is possible, and remember that I'm so happy of seen
> my theme in such an important distro!

Actually, it was a conscious choice because I prefer candido-selected
with gray - sorry!

I was the one who actually packaged the themes together, and also
propsed Gray and Candido-selected to go together - so blame me :P. As
for the renaming, that happened because the theme went thorugh a stage
of being called GrayXT (because it was going to use NuoveXT icons) and
for that I renamed the metacity Then when the icons couldn't fit in I
put it back to Gray... phew! it's a little convoluted.

Just so you know - the theme was chosen as a result of a vote. Members
of the ubuntu-art team put forward combinations of GTK/Metacity/Icons
and we voted on the 5 we liked the best. The system all got a bit
mangled due to time and size pressures and unfortunately it didn't all
run as we'd wished. For Edgy we should get things sorted out properly.

I think it is a bit late to change it now, both because the CD has
been released and because the theme as it is was decided by a vote- we
can think about if for edgy :)

Why not stick around on the ML and in IRC and influence it yourself ;)

Hope that explains and satisfies,


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