[ubuntu-art] Wiki reorganisation in progress

Étienne Bersac bersace03 at laposte.net
Tue Jun 20 17:58:18 BST 2006


Today i did a lot of deep changes in our Wiki. I added a lot of pages
and redirect old pages the new one.

There are some problematic pages :

      * ArtworkTeam/Meetings and ArtworkTeam/Meetings/Agenda have a big
        semantic problem. Agenda must be the list of upcoming meetings
        and events. Agenda must be a kind of calendar. Not a mailing
        list digest. I don't know what to do with that pages (else than
        just droping them). Meetings are globaly well handled. No need
        to do our own archive, and so on.
      * Artwork/Documentation/Howtos/InlineColorSwatch and
        ArtworkTeam/Drafts/EdgyColourProposals/Howto are really strange.
        I don't know how to handle that pages. Should them be specs ???

Any help to build Review of previews artwork is wellcome. Use qemu and
write new archive page following
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Archives guidelines. That would be nice
to describe deeply the artwork of a release in Artwork/Archives/X.Y and
put screenshots in Artwork/Archives/X.Y/*buntu .

Verso l'Alto !

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