[ubuntu-art] Main page discussion

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Sat Jun 17 13:05:27 BST 2006

Op vr, 16-06-2006 te 19:40 +0200, schreef Niel Drummond:
> Flash is a good deal faster than Java, doesn't have the client-side
> security nightmare involved, it doesn't take a team of 50 to develop a
> small app, the binary is an open standard (with plenty of open source
> tools available), there's an open-source alternative player available,
> and there's an extremely fast open-source compiler available (called
> MTASC), which is better than the original. Don't diss it. 

Flash is an open standard?  You must be joking...

There is a specification for recent flash file formats, but its license
expressly forbids writing a flash player.  Only creating or changing
flash files is allowed under certain conditions.

Jan Claeys

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