[ubuntu-art] Main page discussion
Jan Claeys
lists at janc.be
Thu Jun 15 21:00:18 BST 2006
Op do, 15-06-2006 te 10:44 -0500, schreef Matthew Nuzum:
> By the way, also contrast the RedHat home page and Novell's Suse Linux
> home page.
> www.redhat.com
> www.novell.com/linux/
> Doesn't the novell website make you just want to go to sleep, or go to
> another website? Add conversely, doesn't the redhat website feel
> vibrant and full of energy?
Personally, I prefer the Novell one: it's basic and points to all/most
of the important stuff, while the redhat site is very busy, and their
menus are half-unreadable (which is not surprising if you look at their
And I hate (semi-)unreadable sites, sorry. ;-)
Jan Claeys
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