[ubuntu-art] A request

Billy Billy at cozyteapot.com
Mon Jun 12 19:20:06 BST 2006

On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 10:01 +0200, Michiel Sikma wrote:

> Op 12-jun-2006, om 9:43 heeft Billy het volgende geschreven:
> > On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 07:41 +0100, Joao Inacio wrote:
> >> I have no clue what you're talking about that but if i'm correct  
> >> (english isn't my first language) thats called zealotry?
> > condemnation? zealotry? it's all the same name calling by those  
> > that claim we shouldn't do such ;)
> >> Keep it up, and use whatever you think it's better. Freedom is  
> >> also about not forcing anyone to use free software.
> > Oh that freedom word can be a lot of things. Including and not  
> > limited to supporting the other os's. How can someone say 'we are  
> > up against Vista' and use its software to improve its own os?  
> > Freedom? No! Lack of vision and principle!
> To me, it's productivity. Not that I use Vista or ever plan on doing so.
> I'm not going to respond to the rest of your mail, which seems to be  
> almost solely to provoke a heated debate.
> Michiel

On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 10:02 +0200, Manu Cornet wrote: 

> Hi !
> There's a difference between having your own opinion and not letting
> other people have another one.

Please understand that I don't go out of my way to pad things or attempt
to be politically correct. I simply state my opinion, and that is all I
have done. It was not intended to be offensive, but based on the topic,
the reason for the original post, and the world we live in, I knew it
would be assumed to be a flame. That's the norm these days, and I'm used
to that.

On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 22:36 +0800, Jerome Gotangco wrote: 

> as long as the team works in an open format, why not?

While I have, in the past, used psd's in gimp and not noticed any loss,
that is not the case for svg between Inkscape and AI. Unless this has
changed in the last year or so, working between these 2 apps is
pointless and cripling at best. That's why.

While the winds of change have swept the artteam, I will remind everyone
that the use of oss apps was a requirement not long ago. Now that people
have excused themselves because they say those apps are not worthy,
things have changed. I simply disagree with both of the previous
statements, and can, and have, proved it (as others have) so that all
are without excuse, regardless of your opinion which I have not denied
anyone the right of.

It seems to be ok to say it is wrong to think only oss apps should be
used, but if you take the other side and your opinion differs, you cross
the line and have denied others the right to an opinion, which is
absurd. That's very typical these days and hypocritical. So who provoked
the heated debate? I didn't start the post on a loaded topic.


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