[ubuntu-art] DEV CYCLE: TARGETS

Troy James Sobotka troy.sobotka at gmail.com
Sat Jun 10 09:56:55 BST 2006

In an effort to document a full listing for the
development cycle, I am seeking your contributions
regarding what is a viable set of artistic elements
to adjust.  Please cut the following list and
reply it to the mailing list with your additions.

If we can pound this out in a week, I'll take it to
Paris with me for discussion.  Also, if you have any
comments you would like addressed, feel free to mail
me in private.  Confidentiality assured.

Bear in mind that we have SIX months.  Let's set our
goals high but MANAGEABLE.


Targets for Edgy:

*  USplash
*  GDM Logon
*  GDM Splash
*  GNOME Wallpaper
*  Window Color / Theme 
*  Mouse Cursors
*  Selective Icons 
      Icons are a massive undertaking, but I believe
      that Frank has highlighted some good areas that
      we could get minor adjustments in for a more
      cohesive look and feel.

*  Marketing artwork for DocumentTeam CD / DVD sleeves.
*  Marketing pre-release teasers.  Synced to monthly releases.
      Possible wallpapers / GDM splash for each monthly release?


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