[ubuntu-art] What about gtk-apply icon?

Josué Alcalde González josuealcalde at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 12:01:25 BST 2006

El lun, 05-06-2006 a las 11:52 +0200, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen
> 2006/6/4, Fabio Berta <fabio at berta.ch>:
>         Hi
>         I really like the new Human icon set! Great work!
>         But I have one complaint, the gtk-apply icon is still the old
>         ugly
>         standard gnome one! It looks very out of place. Also Tango and
>         Tangerine
>         seem to miss such an icon. 
>         Maybe something can be done about it!
> This has been brought up before, and something was actually done for
> Tangerine (gtk-cancel is also outdated I think btw), but I don't think
> that the work ever made it to the repos. 
In fact they are included, but there aren't symlinks:


In the package: tango-icon-theme-common

I don't know why.

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