[ubuntu-art] [WIKI] Cleanup finished.

Troy James Sobotka troy.sobotka at gmail.com
Sun Jul 23 05:38:32 BST 2006

The wiki has been further paired down.  Of course, with
any cleanup, one can expect to break links.  The /Incoming
dir should _always_ be considered volatile, and linking to
it is likely to result in broken links.


 * Cleaned up the Incoming directory. Deleted obsolete
   theme pages as ThemeTeams are now the official way 
   to get them approved.  This will hopefully be expanded
   and elaborated on at the wiki very soon.
 * Deleted obsolete documents that have been superceded
   or implemented for Edgy.  Deleted the older ArtworkTeam
   listings that Bersace mirrored.
 * Deleted pages that have been passed or were misguided
   as per some of the feedback from sabdfl and other 
   Ubuntu project drivers.
 * Cleaned up the Artwork root pages to make it clearer
   and more easy to navigate.  There should be many fewer
   subpages now off of root.  Migrated appropriate pages
   to the proper namespaces.  We have given the transition
   two months now.  

I intend to get a clearer outline of namespaces for Edgy
development soon.  At that point, I will try to accumulate
the grenade-like distribution of work into several logical

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