[ubuntu-art] [Edubuntu] Edubuntu-Edgy Beta 1

Viper550 gthompson at cogeco.ca
Sun Jul 23 01:25:32 BST 2006

Okay, here's my redo of Edubuntu Dapper's "EdubuntuColors" theme which I 
call "Edubuntu-Edgy". I basically ported the theme over to use the 
Candido engine instead of Ubuntulooks (because it looked a bit better, 
but the final version may use Murrine). This theme does require the 
Candido engine obviously, and is not to be taken internally or with 
Green wallpapers.


p.s. If only you could see my Fedora Core 5 desktop right now, I've got 
a nice Industrial and Tango thing going on with a modification of the 
Dapper wallpaper (as installed, NOT the Live CD wallpaper) and Slab of 
course, looks nice!
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