[ubuntu-art] [Edubuntu] Ideas?

Viper550 gthompson at cogeco.ca
Sat Jul 22 19:33:47 BST 2006

Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:
> On za, 2006-07-22 at 14:06 -0400, Viper550 wrote:
>> As you know, I am working on a new theme design for Edubuntu to
>> counter the awfully put together theme of Dapper yes, it was THAT
>> horrible
> Please keep in mind that people worked on that too and there is no need
> to keep ranting about the artwork. Be considerate. 
I understand that, I just thought that they just didn't go together 
properly. I don't think a Green wallpaper goes good with a primarily 
beige, orange, and red theme. See, on Ubuntu, everything goes together 
nicely, each element is made to go with the other elements for a 
consistent experience, but introduce something with a completely 
different color and it messes up everything up!

Attached is the new version of the Edubuntu Chalkboard wallpaper from 
Dapper that I was working on earlier when I sent that first email. This 
one takes on more of a blackboard like appearance (and will go better 
with even the reddish of themes!).

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