[ubuntu-art] 75 Launchpad Members!

Troy James Sobotka troy.sobotka at gmail.com
Sat Jul 22 07:11:28 BST 2006

I would like to thank everyone who has helped contribute
to the remarkable growth of the Ubuntu artwork team.

We hit 75 members in Launchpad, and I am quite sure that
there are many folks on this mailing list who are wondering
whether or not to get involved. 

Please folks -- dive into development.

Right now, we are currently sitting in the Proposal phase,
so we welcome all work that is along the style given on the
wiki page.

The specifications targetted for Edgy are located 
so dive in, read the related wiki pages, and try
to contribute.

If you feel that you would like to contribute, but don't
know exactly how to or where to start (or perhaps are just
too shy), feel free to send anyone who you feel comfortable
with private mail.  I can be quite certain that all 
requests will be handled with open arms.  

Thanks once again folks!

Let's keep the massive growth and energy flowing.

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