[ubuntu-art] Theme Team application addendum

Frank Schoep frank at ffnn.nl
Wed Jul 19 15:03:33 BST 2006

Hello artists,

I'm glad to announce one more Theme Team application, "Blubuntu", by  
Who. Because of his holiday I made an exception for the late  
application. Blubuntu (working title) will focus on providing a  
sibling theme to Human but in more neutral colors, like blue. With  
the addition of Who's theme, today marks the definite end of the  
Theme Team application process for Edgy.

The full overview of Theme Teams is available on the following Wiki  

The Theme Teams will now start working on their themes and I've  
gotten a few requests on using the main artwork mailing list for  
communications with the community. There's been a proposal by Mark in  
the past to create separate mailing lists for each Theme Team and I  
think now is a good moment to decide on the issue and take action if  

The advantage of creating separate lists is in my opinion mostly the  
fact that the main mailing list doesn't get cluttered with talk about  
non-default themes and that Theme Team leaders can use and moderate  
their own mailing list as desired. Disadvantages are that the Theme  
Team mailing lists might not attract the same number of subscribers  
as the main list and this might lead to fragmentation and less than  
optimal feedback for all teams.

One "in-between" solution could be to have all Theme Team related  
messages include a "[TT-Name]" tag in the subject line of the message  
to enable filtering by mail clients. What do you all think of that  
proposal? I'm looking forward to your thoughts.

WIth kind regards,

Frank Schoep

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