[ubuntu-art] Xubuntu

Viper550 gthompson at cogeco.ca
Mon Jul 17 16:13:25 BST 2006

Klaus Bitto wrote:
> Viper, could you post the link again? ;)
> Anyway, I agree with Mark on the v3 logo. *Really* classy! Far better 
> than the other xubuntu logo proposals there, which remind me very much 
> of mercury, instead of of brushed steel or something.

It's on the same page, and that V3 logo is AWESOME! Make one for Ubuntu, 
Kubuntu, and Edubuntu too and we'll be so happy!


p.s. I was dissapointed by the GTK theme on Edubuntu Dapper, it made it 
look more like Chirstmasbuntu! I will be making a new Ubuntulooks theme 
that hopefully improves on that monstrosity!

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