[ubuntu-art] Results of the Ponder phase for Edgy Eft

Frank Schoep frank at ffnn.nl
Sun Jul 9 22:57:47 BST 2006

Hello artists,

I finalized the Ponder phase results today and I'm happy to present them to 
you after a long weekend of thinking and judging. The results are summarized 
as follows (quoted from the Wiki):

After carefully judging each texture submission and evaluating possible 
combinations, I've managed to distill the following list of keywords for the 
direction we should to take for the Human artwork for Edgy:

* Glass and Gloss 
* Light Reflection and Refraction 
* Organic Shapes and Curves 
* Nature and Earth 

Troy James Sobotka has managed to send in some preliminary texture exploration 
pictures depicting the above keywords. Note that these keywords fit well in 
the overarching long term design direction for Human in general, see 

The texture samples are on the phase's Wiki page, available here:

I hope the seemingly short list of keywords can serve as a creative base for 
working out the ideas we get during Propose. I'm pretty sure we can create 
some great designs inspired by the references available on the results page.

Have you got questions, comments or other feedback, let me know privately or 
on the list so we can work it out. As usual, thanks for reading.

Oh, I just wanted to add a little reminder: the Theme Team application process 
ends in about three days, so if you want to apply, do so now. See my previous 
e-mail labelled "Starting the Theme Team application process" for the 
details. I'd be happy to provide more information in case you need it.

With kind regards,

Frank Schoep

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