[ubuntu-art] freshened metacity theme

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 2 10:44:45 GMT 2006

Young Hahn wrote:

> Ok folks,
> I've cleaned up the code and optimized a bit (the theme now renders 
> slightly faster than Clearlooks 2). You can grab the tarballl here:
> http://lanfiles.williams.edu/~07yfh/DapperStripes.tar.bz2 
> <http://lanfiles.williams.edu/%7E07yfh/DapperStripes.tar.bz2>
> Please test and let me know about any bugs, gripes, usability issues, etc.
>  that you have. Still not sure what Henrik would like in the 
> buttons--please clarify so adjustments can be made. 

Yes, I mean for the buttons to blend in more with the brown background. 
This is the case on the current industrial themes and the different 
clearlooks 2 themes. So I would suggest fading it more into the 
background more, but have it become clear on hover. (also can the 
buttons become become larger, easier targets? -- having less border 
space above and below them). Also, when hovering, perhaps the X button 
could get a red tint?

But it's looking good. I really like the slightly lighter tones and the 
subtle stripes. I posted a screenshot of it here: 
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Evaluation/MetacityTheme so we can compare

> What's the next priority on the todo list?

How are you on icons :)

- Henrik

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