[ubuntu-art] Temporary Feisty Artwork Idea

Frank Schoep frank at ffnn.nl
Thu Dec 7 10:38:02 GMT 2006

On Dec 7, 2006, at 6:00 AM, Alex Fraser wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-12-06 at 16:03 -0500, Viper550 wrote:
>> I think that just for fun (and to give beta testers a little  
>> laugh), we
>> should make a temporary "joke" set of artwork for Feisty Alphas  
>> until we
>> have something "real" ready
> I don't know... people have reacted very strongly to such jokes in the
> past. I think something similar was done for Dapper's pre-release  
> splash
> screen. Even though it had "This is not the final artwork" written on
> it, many testers got upset.

I'm with Alex on this one. Testing releases often do end up on  
screenshot sites like OSDir and I think it wouldn't make a good  
impression if we included "bogus" artwork that isn't representative  
of the final quality. During Edgy we basically kept Dapper's artwork,  
then moved on to Troy's "artwork preview" and then to the final work.

On top of this, and this is just a wild guess like anyone else's, I  
think the big idea is to have Feisty's final artwork integrated from  
the start on. I'm talking about at least the wallpaper and possibly  
the GDM theme, login splash and usplash. Again, this is just a guess  
as the real plan seems to be forever out of reach of reality.



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