[ubuntu-art] Starting the Produce phase for Edgy Eft

Frank Schoep frank at ffnn.nl
Tue Aug 22 18:58:54 BST 2006

On Aug 19, 2006, at 4:50 PM, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
> Just a quick note to say thanks to Frank for getting the ball  
> rolling on the Produce phase. Having had a look over the "Propose"  
> phase results I'm very, very excited! I think there are some  
> excellent visual themes there that will make Edgy look really  
> distinctive.
> So, to all who are participating, full speed ahead, and thanks!

Thanks, Mark.

I've been discussing the artwork progress with Matt Zimmerman today  
and given the fact that our Produce phase has started later than  
planned, we're facing the challenge to deliver artwork on time given  
the proposed schedule on the Wiki:

The end of the Produce phase is planned on the 31st of August, 2006  
which is in only nine days. This mail is a call to arms for everyone  
on the mailing list. We need to make the last few steps in the  
process, then this team will be immortal, forever.

If you have some time to spare to create a few pieces of artwork in a  
given style and look, write your name on the Produce page on the Wiki  
and add your results once your done:

We've done a really great job already during the previous phases and  
it would be awesome if we can continue that line for Produce. I  
believe we have the people, the knowledge and the will to make it  
happen. I want to applaud Michiel Sikma for taking the lead in  
producing artwork, I hope many of you will follow.

I'll be here to answer your questions, concerns and ideas, doing  
everything possible to solve any problems you might have. Thanks so  
much for your past and ongoing efforts, let's make this happen!

With kind regards,

Frank Schoep

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