[ubuntu-art] Logout dialog with growing "Cancel" icon

Ricardo Pérez López ricardo at iesdonana.org
Sat Apr 8 23:46:16 BST 2006


The new logout dialog is great, but it has a problem.

The "Cancel" button "grows" according to the message which appears in
bottom line when you put the mouse cursor over a button.

I attached three screen shots to illustrate that I say. As you can see,
the "Cancel" ("Cancelar" in Spanish desktops) is bigger when you put the
mouse cursor over the "Hibernate" ("Hibernar" in Spanish) button or the
"Sleep" ("Dormir" in Spanish) button.

The final result is very surprising and rather annoying :/

I don't know if this could be solved before Dapper releases.



P.S: Sorry about the poor image quality (taken with my digital camera).
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