[ubuntu-art] Expanding logout dialogue

Mark Shuttleworth mark at canonical.com
Wed Apr 5 13:33:45 BST 2006

Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> I'm with Matt and Vincent who think that there are simply too many
> options on the logout dialogue, so I though I would try making an
> expanding one where you hide some of the less common options.
Guys, while I appreciate all the discussion, you'll need to carry on
without me from here on. In my mind the die is cast for Dapper, and I'm
happy to revisit this with you at the next dev summit in person, and
discuss concrete proposals then. But I'm not going to change the dialog
further for Dapper.

Best bet will be for someone from the art team / desktop team to take
charge of organising a single wiki page with proposals, comments for and
against etc, so that we can review them all in a single session at the
post-Dapper dev summit. Henrik, I think this is a good thing for Erik or
someone else from the community to coordinate.

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