[ubuntu-art] Expanding logout dialogue

Julian Oliver julian at selectparks.net
Wed Apr 5 11:55:38 BST 2006

..on Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 11:24:48AM +0100, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> I'm with Matt and Vincent who think that there are simply too many 
> options on the logout dialogue, so I though I would try making an 
> expanding one where you hide some of the less common options.
> Mock-up: http://people.ubuntu.com/~henrik/images/collapsing-logout.png
> We are now down to 3+3 options (I removed Lock screen as it appears in 
> the System menu directly)
> There is also some logic to the placement of the buttons in that the 
> icons that appear in the same column are somewhat related in function or 
> severity.

yes i prefer this. when people are logging out they aren't sitting down,
their getting up to leave. the last thing you want is to be presented
with a wide array of choices. 

that said the icons in your mockup themselves still look terrible


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