[ubuntu-art] Spreading the word

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 23 11:05:50 CDT 2005

<quote who="Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen">

> > PS: Another question, would it be possible to "patch" gnome to use
> > "layer backgrounds" - thats something I thought of because of the
> > calendar, so that everybody could put use their own background, which is
> > below a png etc. with a "alpha-masked" calendar!? But thats only a idea
> > I had yesterday..
> The closest thing you get to this is transparent SVG wallpapers. They
> allow you to set background colors or gradients behind the image.

Note that you can do precisely what the poster above asks for with PNGs.
Just create a PNG with an alpha channel, and whatever the user chooses as
the background *colour* will be seen through the transparent/translucent
areas of the image. There are heaps of examples of this at art.gnome.org.

- Jeff

GNOME Summit: October 8th-10th              http://live.gnome.org/Boston2005
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