[ubuntu-art] Spreading the word

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen kamstrup at daimi.au.dk
Thu Sep 22 06:07:31 CDT 2005

Unless somebody opposes to it, I will post a note for
volunteers/submitters in the forums. It will include something along the
lines of:

We have artwork deadline on the 29th of september bla bla...

Artwork criteria:
	- Avoid text
	- Avoid anything that might offend anybody
	- Read general guidelines here:

Howto submit:
	- Register artwork at art.ubuntu.com
	- Notify ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com 
	(register: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art)


PS: On a side note we are in desparate need of some calendar
artwork/concepts. It would be cool to have a rocking calendar!

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