[ubuntu-art] Re: PHP/MySQL tasks on the art.ubuntu.com website

Morgan Tocker tocker at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 01:27:02 CDT 2005

> - It puts unnecessary load on the server for little gain while for an
> artist who has made the original artwork it's a trivial task to make
> the thumbnail as well.

This is true, but it could be managed if it became a problem (cronjob etc).

> - It takes the control away from the artist in creating the thumbnail
> as he sees fit. This is a very important point, as I'm of the opinion
> that a well designed and functioning thumbnail is one that is not made
> out of only "resizing" the original but also "cropping". A cropped up
> thumbnail usually has much more visual interest and is much more clear
> and inviting. IMO, resizing alone is a very poor way to make a
> thumbnail.

Interesting perspective.  Not being much of an artist these days, it
didn't cross my mind :-)
On the other hand --  If the thumbnails are auto generated then they
are at least always accurate (I'm a database guy -- redundant data can
mean inaccurate/poorly maintained data).

Is it possibly for the default behaviour to be that the thumbnails are
auto generated, and the artist can upload a custom thumbnail if he/she

- Morgan

Morgan Tocker @ http://tocker.id.au/
MySQL related blogs @ http://www.planetmysql.org/

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