[ubuntu-art] PHP/MySQL tasks on the art.ubuntu.com website

Christian Bjälevik nafallo at magicalforest.se
Tue Sep 6 09:49:47 CDT 2005

tis 2005-09-06 klockan 11:41 +0100 skrev Henrik Nilsen Omma:
> Hi,
> * Automatically generated thumbnails (on upload). From backgrounds, 
> screenshots, etc. we could get automatically generated 96x72px 
> thumbnails with Imagemagik or GD, saving the uploader from making them.

Rather than having 96x72px we should have something that will generate
the thumbnail based on aspect. Otherwise we will have trouble later when
people start uploading in 16:9 (16:10?). Not everything is 4:3
anymore ;-).

> - Henrik
Christian Bjälevik <nafallo at magicalforest.se>
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