Hey .. How do I create the seed file .. What is the syntax for that ... Is there any syntax to list the packages .. <br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 10/30/06, <b class="gmail_sendername">Colin Watson</b> <<a href="mailto:cjwatson@ubuntu.com">
cjwatson@ubuntu.com</a>> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">On Mon, Oct 30, 2006 at 03:35:59PM +0530, Chandan M C wrote:
<br>> Then , How do you test that this package from debian works on your<br>> development release ... for example Feisty... Now you dont have archive for<br>> feisty .. How do you start building archive for feisty ..In what way you
<br>> build binary packages from debian source for fiesty ... How do you setup the<br>> build environment for your developemnt release ... on which build<br>> environment you will rebuild packages for fiesty..(Development release )
<br><br>It would take weeks to go through all this step-by-step with you, and<br>I'm afraid I don't have the time. Look up information on the web on how<br>the Debian build daemons work and start with that. Until Launchpad is
<br>ready to provide facilities for derived distributions, you must work<br>most of this out for yourself. It is hard work, but if it is too hard<br>then building a distribution from scratch may not be for you at the<br>moment.
<br><br>> How do you ensure that all the packages you are putting in your main and<br>> universe section will work fine over that release ..<br><br>Testing. Lots of testing. There is no magic secret to this.<br><br>
> Is it that all the pacakges in main .will install without the need of<br>> dependency from universe ...<br><br>Yes.<br><br>> Is it hte same with universe ..i.e all the packages from the universe will<br>> install without the need of dependent pacakges from main component ...
<br><br>No, packages in universe almost invariably depend on packages from main<br>(libc6, if nothing else!).<br><br>> Can you please tell me ..Where do I get MOM,motu-tools and germinat tools<br><br>MOM is not public. I have no idea about motu-tools; try using Google.
<br>germinate is in the Ubuntu archive.<br><br>> ..and also sync and merge tools ... and any others you are using for package<br>> archiveing ... ans also how to work with that ..<br><br>Look up anything you're specifically interested in in the Ubuntu
<br>archive, or write your own as necessary. We did! But our tools are quite<br>well-tuned to how we work, and may well not be appropriate for you.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>--<br>Colin Watson [
<a href="mailto:cjwatson@ubuntu.com">cjwatson@ubuntu.com</a>]<br></blockquote></div><br>