Embedding SIL fonts in GPL binary (dragonfly-reverb in focal NEW)

Christopher James Halse Rogers christopher.halse.rogers at canonical.com
Sun Mar 29 23:05:37 UTC 2020

Hey all!

I was reviewing dragonfly-reverb from the focal NEW queue and I ran 
into a licensing question I'm not sure the answer to.

dragonfly-reverb includes a NotoSans_Regular.ttf.cpp file, (apparently; 
this is not done at build-time) generated by xxd  from the SIL-licensed 
NotoSans_Regular.ttf file. It is unclear to me whether this is kosher 
in a GPL-licensed binary, so I thought I'd ask. (It would clearly be 
fine as a file shipped along side, I'm just unsure about the embedding)

Other than the license issue the package appears ok; because audio 
upstreams are weird it does a bunch of other xxd-embedding of resources 
(also not at build time :/), but it ships the source images in the 
source tarball so I wasn't going to block on that.


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