Please sync-blacklist `tails-installer`

u u at
Mon Feb 15 14:58:11 UTC 2016


In the meantime I've created
Is it possible to make this happens before the freeze?


> Hi,
> I'm the maintainer of the Debian package tails-installer [1] and I'd
> like to request that this package does not get automatically included in
> Ubuntu xenial. I know that the freeze is in quite a short moment but
> until now I have absolutely not managed to find out how exactly I can
> prevent this from happening.
> The upstream code is still quite changing and that's why we'd prefer
> that people use our PPA [2] to which it'll be much easier to push
> security fixes.
> We also do not distribute Tails Installer in Debian stable, only in the
> backports repository for this very same reason.
> Would it be possible for you, dear Ubuntu admins, to sync-blacklist this
> package and remove it from the archive - or tell me how to do it?
> In the meantime I'll try to find out how to report a bug against
> sync-blacklist so that this request is tracked.
> Cheers!
> ulrike
> [1]
> [2]

xmpp: u at

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