Trusty changed after release?

Dimitri John Ledkov xnox at
Fri Jun 6 18:11:36 UTC 2014

On 13 May 2014 13:40, Thilo Uttendorfer <tuttendorfer at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just discovered that Ubuntu Trusty changed recently after the release:
> Last modified on 08-May-2014, but the release was on 17-Apr-2014. I wonder
> what changed? I did not find any information about that. Will there be
> changes in the future?
> Lucid and Precise never had changes after release. All the changes were/are in
> the *-[security|updates|proposed] archives.

No binaries in the pool were modified.
There was however a take-down request to remove maitreya. It is indeed
an exceptional circumstance for which indeed the archive was unfrozen,
package in question removed, indexes regenerated and archive frozen

For further details see:

I'm running a snapshotter of the archive, the complete diff of the
dists/ for trusty/ pocket is attached. As you see that apart from
removal of maitreya package there are no other modification to any
other binary package (all checksums stayed the same). There is some
noise in auxiliary package-metadata that got added during index
regeneration. (which is set via archive overrides).


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