Rejecting fglrx-installer-experimental-9 and fglrx-installer-updates precise uploads

Alberto Milone alberto.milone at
Sun Jan 6 14:59:10 UTC 2013

On 03/01/13 16:29, Colin Watson wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm rejecting these two packages in light of Steve's comments in
> comments #31 and #32 of bug 1080588; at least the .changes file needs to
> be fixed (with -v) or else it will break our SRU tracking, and I agree
> with him about just dropping the xserver-xorg-core dependency.
> I've asked Maarten and Timo on #ubuntu-release if somebody can upload a
> new version with these things fixed, to move things forward as quickly
> as possible for 12.04.2.
> Thanks,

Hi Colin,

Sorry if I've been slow on this, I've had personal issues.

If Maarten or Timo haven't done this already I'll take care of it soon.


Alberto Milone
Software Engineer
Hardware Enablement Team
Professional and Engineering Services

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