rejecting qtbase-opensource-src

Jonathan Riddell jriddell at
Mon Feb 11 17:40:48 UTC 2013

I'm rejecting qtbase-opensource-src, there's a few significant copyright holders and licences not listed in debian/copyright.

Ones I spotted:
Intel Corporation has copyright in various places
Research In Motion too, especially on qnx
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB too
Google probably deserve a mention
src/corelib/codecs has some obscure ones
src/plugins/platforms/cocoa has apple
src/testlib/3rdparty/valgrind_p.h julian deserves a mention
src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/ IBM and others here
src/3rdparty/angle/ isn't mentioned
src/3rdparty/sqlite/ isn't mentioned
tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/bigfile and tests/manual/network_stresstest/qtest/bigfile are (C) The Internet Society
util/unicode/data/LineBreak.txt for (C) unicode

Please add these and reupload, do ping me if you need help


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