rejecting wine1.3 binaries again

Scott Ritchie scott at
Fri Mar 25 07:38:16 UTC 2011

On 03/24/2011 08:17 AM, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> I'm rejecting the wine1.3 binaries for version 1.3.15-0ubuntu3.
> E: ttf-symbol-replacement-wine1.3: no-copyright-file

I can't quite figure out why this is happening, as the other binary
packages seem to be generated with the copyright file.

> E: wine1.3: statically-linked-binary ./usr/bin/wine-preloader
> (plus warnings)
> Jonathan

I'll make an override file.  wine-preloader needs to be static as it
does its own thing with the memory areas.  It then handles linking on
its own because Wine needs to load both elf and pe modules.

As for the warnings:
The .desktop entry related ones are spurious, as Wine creates its own
category (and should).  This is ostensibly a bug in lintian but I don't
feel comfortable reporting it until I supply the debian wine packages as
well.  The rest of the warnings are either inherited from upstream (and
apply to wine1.2 as well), or are fixed in the latest upload (-ubuntu4).

Thanks for your patience ;)

Scott Ritchie

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