Reject: indiv-screenlets

Julien Lavergne gilir at
Mon Mar 21 01:24:31 UTC 2011


Le lundi 28 février 2011 à 10:21 -0600, Jamie Strandboge a écrit :
> I'm sorry to report I am rejecting indiv-screenlets for the following
> reasons:
>  * src/CPUMeter/ is GPL-2+, not GPL-3+
>  * src/Lyrics/xgoogle/ looks to be a variation on the 
>    BSD 3-clause, not GPL-3+
>  * the other parts of src/Lyrics/xgoogle/*.py are MIT, not GPL-3+
>  * src/humanPopulation/ is GPL-2+, not
> GPL-3+
>  * the format of debian/copyright is DEP-5, but it does not use the 
>    correct formatting. Specifically:
>    * the license text should immediately follow 'License: <license 
>      name>'
>    * 'Comment' is not typically used to point 
>      at /usr/share/common-licenses/.... Add this after the License
> text
>    * 'COMPLETE LICENCES' is not a valid section in DEP-5. Just
> include 
>      the license text under the 'License: <license name>' line.
>  * src/Lyrics/.gitignore and .bzrignore are present in the source 
>    tarball. While it is not strictly required these be removed, it is
>    good form to remove an VCS files
> For DEP-5 formatting examples, please see:

Thanks for the complete review. I checked again the entire package and
find the same errors than you. I uploaded a new revision which fix them.

Julien Lavergne

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